RadioScout NS

RadioScout NS is an advanced, cutting edge, professional TSCM software that performs the same basic functions as RadioScout CV, but optimised for searching clandestine and illicit transmitters including hidden radio eavesdropping devices. The program supports a number of features which are not available in RadioScout CV, in particular the automatic hand off of an observed target frequency to initiate and control Electronic Countermeasures (ECM) transmitters (for signal jamming) as well as other functions.
RadioScout NS provides precise, accurate, integrated, high speed automated control of software defined radios, spectrum analyzers and analogue receivers with the largest number of advanced and standard features available. It provides a full range of capabilities for radio frequency (RF) spectrum monitoring, discrete frequency list inspection with detection, analysis and location of the entire RF electromagnetic spectrum.
The sophisticated and highly intuitive GUI operates on a point, click and menu drop down basis and is rapidly reconfigurable in many different ways to suite any operator’s requirement. The extensive RF and audio signal analysis toolbox includes multiple markers, cursors, alarms, triggers, spectrum zoom control, multiple different spectrum windows, monitoring receiver hand off, AM/FM audio and on screen video demodulation, signal lists, programmable databases with automated integrity self-checks and remote control options. Cursors and markers support performing measurements in time and frequency domains.
Searching for illegally operating transmitters and signals that exceed a baseline spectrum dynamic amplitude mask is important for spectrum management operations. Searching detects radio stations which violate regulations; finds clandestine electronic surveillance devices of all types from basic AM/FM wireless microphones up to the most sophisticated digital devices including burst, GSM, and offset Bluetooth frequency transmitters in protected facilities. It also supports engineering analysis of RF emissions for the presence of side (stray) electromagnetic radiation, mixing products and harmonics.
RadioScout NS establishes a predetermined amplitude threshold line for a specific location either manually or automatically based upon received power levels at the antenna. Signals that exceed a specified or dynamic number dB above ‘normal’ detected signal levels are automatically captured for analysis. Applying a linear or dynamic threshold control line based upon sophisticated power measuring algorithms increases the probability of detecting illegal transmitters and reduces false alarms. All signals that exceed the threshold are added to a list and all data regarding each event including the signal waveform is saved and subject to separate full analysis for Signal Classification and Recognition (SCARS) and automatic audio recording.
To facilitate the search for clandestine transmitters, RadioScout NS also provides a differential trace analysis technique, whereby a difference between spectrum traces is observed based on the comparison of measured spectrum in one protected location (room) with the spectrum obtained in other locations (outside the room) using multiple separated switched antennas.
Measurement results are presented in the form of graphical user interfaces, spectrum diagrams, power density displays, signal I and Q digital patterns, panoramic displays and 2D and dynamic 3D waterfall displays. The spectrum displays can be easily customized and are dynamically scalable on the X and Y axis with time and date stamps for each detected signal. The 3D waterfall is scalable in X, Y and Z allowing for close-in visual recognition of signal events while allowing operators to easily observe individual signal artifacts ‘hidden’ between detection events. Spectrum scans and waterfall displays can be played back in real time, paused, reversed, and fast forwarded to search for elusive, burst or single event signals. Markers, operator notes and cursor measurements are available for all spectrum displays and a unique constellation display provides precision vector analysis of digital IQ data for precise signal identification.
RadioScout NS allows the operator to ‘point and click’ on any detected signal and complete parametric detail about the signal is presented for review or export for reporting. Signals that are detected and can be demodulated are automatically recorded for post analysis by the built in digital audio analysis program, in frequency and time domain components. This program breaks down analogue components of signals using various DSP algorithms offering unique and innovative TSCM-specific audio signal analysis capability with audio files saved, sorted and stamped by date, time and frequency.
RadioScout NS’s low-frequency oscilloscope and demodulated audio signal spectrum analyzer feature takes advantage of the software defined radio’s memory buffer to enable analysis of temporal and frequency characteristics for a signal duration of 5 seconds before the operator clicks on a signal to demodulate. Recording demodulated audio is initiated manually or automatically when a signal is discovered which exceeds the operator established signal strength threshold line. Using spectrum analysis techniques with different weighting functions, variable-length time, FFT conversion, averaging and multi-level integrated auto-correlation processing of demodulated audio, it detects signals that are 20-30 dB below the noise floor.
The audio track editor enables analysis and editing of recorded audio tracks and an uncompressed wav format is used for recording to avoid the loss of quality and to allow complete processing of data including noise removal.
Receivers and spectrum analyzers can be connected to any computer which is connected via a LAN or the Internet to another computer where RadioScout NS is running. This allows setting up of measuring instruments at remote locations to enable remote monitoring. Thus the RadioScout NS program can be run from different locations in a building, or between cities via a TCP/IP network including the internet.
RadioScout NS stores all collected data from the electromagnetic spectrum in digital format. The collected and stored spectrum can be reproduced and replayed enabling all detected signals to be available for processing after the detection event has occurred in the radio frequency spectrum.
RadioScout NS includes a reporting feature that creates documents by exporting data including any charts, graphics, panoramic displays, spectral displays, and associated data to Microsoft Word® and Microsoft Excel® for further report processing and editing.
SignalTest option
RS-Gео option
RS-Lan option
RS-SoundScanner option
List of supported devices: