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European Microwave Week

We’d like to thank all the participants and guests of European Microwave Week exhibition 2017 who visited our stand.

At the stand of our company we introduced our latest development – Kassandra-C6, a portable direction finding system with identification of digital devices. The system allows localization of sources of radio emissions in frequency range from 20 MHz to 6 GHz (from 3 GHz to 21 GHz in Kassandra-C21 version), signal analysis for digital communication standards with identification of unique device identifiers (MAC, LAP, RFPI addresses). GEO design version is capable of determining signal direction with its georeferencing. If there is an Internet connection, maps can be loaded in real time (it is possible to use earlier saved maps).

We also presented RadioInspectorRT special software designed for long term control of a frequency range, including collection and storage of data about state of the frequency spectrum.


Thank you for your attention and interest in our equipment. We look forward to working with you!

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